Car parking — important changes and permit renewals

August 13th, 2019

Car parking charges on campus will increase by five per cent in the new permit year – beginning Sunday 1 September.

This increase in pricing is in line with rises in the cost of providing and maintaining car parks across our campuses. The average cost of parking remains below £1 a day.

From Monday 1 July 2019 car parking permit holders will be able to apply for 2019/20 full permits. These permits are for drivers parking on campus from Sunday 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020.

For more details of the scheme, including how to apply, please refer to the ‘permit applications’ section of the car parking webpage.

You can also contact the security team for further information (telephone: extension 13557 or email

2019/20 pricing

In April 2019 the University’s Transport Group undertook a review of its car parking charges and recommended increasing charges by 5% from the previous year to meet the costs of providing car park across our campuses. This was endorsed by the Estates and Infrastructure Committee in June. New charges will come in to effect from Sunday 1 September 2019.

Car parking review

The Estates and Infrastructure Committee agreed that a comprehensive review of car parking should be undertaken to inform the University’s estate masterplan.

The comprehensive review of parking will consider options around future parking provision, technology and charging models to ensure the University’s sustainability, wellbeing, equality, diversity and inclusion objectives are supported and that the cost of car parking provision is adequately met in the future.

Alternative travel

Before renewing your permit for the next year, you may wish to consider alternatives to driving to campus. The University actively promotes low-carbon, healthy transport options through a range of initiatives, including:

If you’d like to find out more about these travel options for getting to campus, you can request a personalised travel plan. The plan will look at options for walking, cycling, driving, bus, train and tram – all in a single document. The results will be emailed to you, with maps and step-by-step directions.

The plan also gives you access to an online tool to further explore and adjust the options.

If driving to campus is the only realistic option, then you may like to consider sharing your journey with others. It’s an easy way to do your bit to reduce both congestion and demand for parking spaces, and the University has a car share scheme specifically to help staff find others going your way.

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June 26th, 2019 at 1:38 pm

Andrew Rosenthal

Has the university considered park and ride or park and cycle schemes? If there was a secure off campus parking area (not too far off the Sutton Bonington campus, I would happily cycle the rest of the way – and even make use of the salary sacrifice bike purchase scheme.

July 2nd, 2019 at 4:44 pm

Tracey Coffey

I still feel that those not in Nottingham (e.g. out at Sutton Bonington) are ‘forgotten’. Discounted bus, train and tram passes are of little help if there are no trams, the nearest train station is not easy walking to campus and there are no train services and limited bus services where you live. I cannot cycle from home on health grounds and there will be others in the same situation or with their own reasons for being unable to cycle (dropping children at school/nursery); are we to be discriminated against?
An increase of 5% seems disproportionately high and will once again penalise those on lower pay.

July 2nd, 2019 at 4:47 pm


I feel that this really penalises the individuals that do not work within the city (ie those at Sutton Bonington). Discounted train, trams and buses are irrelevant as they do not serve the campus. Even the bike scheme is not helpful to that many. Outside of term time, we have reduced hopper bus services. I myself would have to take either 2 buses or cycle 30 miles a day!

Raising the cost by 5% is going to be highly detrimental to the lowest paid workers, and frankly Sutton bonington has not seen an investment in car parking, quite the opposite, you have removed parking near the farm and now expect us to park in a area that is not tarmacked.

Frankly, this feels discriminatory. We already have less facilities than UP and Jubilee campuses, ie, a single coffee shop, a poorly equipped gym, and this is another way to penalize us.

July 11th, 2019 at 1:03 pm


I completely agree with others about Sutton Bonington campus. Our facilities are always of lower quality than those on offer at University Park. Parking is a nightmare during term time – there are not enough spaces available and they have recently been cut down. There are very limited travel options to this area and I think there should be reduced price for being able to park at Sutton Bonington.

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