Campus Solutions: Final implementation postponed

July 19th, 2018

Full implementation of the new Campus Solutions student records system planned for the end of July has been postponed until after the start of the 2018/19 academic session.

The Programme Board took this difficult decision to protect key activities around confirmation and clearing, registration and timetabling.

The system is very close to being ready for full implementation across the UK campuses. However, a small number of technical issues still need to be addressed, along with the completion of rigorous testing.

Project Sponsor Professor Sarah O’Hara said: “I am disappointed that we have had to make this decision and I apologise for not delivering the project at the end of July as expected. I know the internal project team, our Infosys partners and many colleagues across the University have been working incredibly hard over the last few months and have achieved an enormous amount.

“We are very close to implementing the final system, and postponement was a difficult but responsible decision for the Programme Board to make. The start of session is a critical period for the University, and we must ensure that staff and student interests are protected during this time.

“We look forward to implementing Campus Solutions in the very near future once we are clear of the start of session processes.”

The postponed implementation means that start of session processes and registration will be conducted using existing legacy systems and contingency plans have been put in place to minimise any impact on staff and students.

Confirmation and clearing will continue as planned in Campus Solutions, the third year that the process will take place in the system.

Our campuses in China and Malaysia are already running student administrative processes in Campus Solutions and new functionality has been tested ready for delivery on our international campuses shortly.

Though the system is not yet ready for full UK implementation, much has been achieved in recent months which gives confidence that full implementation can take place after the start of the 2018/19 academic session:

  • Progression and award: the use of progression and award functionality by UNMC and UNNC is a significant move forward. This has allowed for the automation of marks, progression and award calculations – the first time that any institution has used Campus Solutions in this way to perform this function.
  • Curriculum: Campus Solutions is now the system of record for Curriculum, underpinned by significantly-improved curriculum data. Colleagues in Student Services and schools have untangled a huge amount of text-based information on module requirements that has built up in Saturn. This is now consistent, clean data contained within the one system.
  • Admissions: all Admissions processes are now managed through Campus Solutions. Confirmation and clearing will be managed in the system for the third year this summer.
  • Timetabling: the teaching timetable for 2018/19 is being created using data derived from Campus Solutions. A first draft timetable featuring single group (eg lecture) activity and some – but not all – complex activity will published by Friday 27 July.
  • Administrative processes: consistent standard operating procedures for all aspects of the student journey have been standardised and documented which will serve as the reference point for all our processes going forward.
  • Infosys: support from our external partner, Infosys, has proved invaluable since appointment earlier this year, completing some 136 out of a total of 142 change requests and resolving more than 1,300 technical issues. Once they have supported final implementation, Infosys will also deliver ongoing support for the system.

Further project updates and confirmation of the new implementation date will be confirmed in due course. In the meantime, should you have any questions about processes, please contact Student Services.



July 20th, 2018 at 4:46 pm

A colleague

I thought we went live in April? The most recent official communication on this was 7 months ago – assuring an April 2018 GoLive. It’s a shame that it’s taken this long to notify the institution of the news that it didn’t actually happen 3 months ago….and that it’s not happening now. Colleagues involved with this both within the project and the rest of the institution have my deepest sympathy for the way in which this has been handled. It’s good to get information, it would be better to get it in a more timely and open manner.

July 25th, 2018 at 1:12 pm

A colleague

This was the missive pre-Christmas:
‘Colleagues in the project and across the university have worked hard to address outstanding issues and whilst feedback from the business testing has been positive, we have not been able to correct all the defects that have emerged. The overwhelming majority of defects are minor but there are still a number of outstanding major defects and significantly a couple have been deemed critical (S1). The window to correct these has been tight and while we could have colleagues work on these over the Christmas break, and if necessary take the risk of going live in January without fully addressing them, I consider the risk to be too great.’

Language and reasoning are almost verbatim, despite the 7 months elapsed between messages. Perhaps staff deserve a little more openness and transparency before draft 3 next February.

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