Work commences on CBS expansion

January 12th, 2018

Building work for further expansion of the Centre for Biomolecular Sciences (CBS) will begin on Monday 15 January on University Park.

The expansion will provide a physical link between the existing CBS building and the Boots Science Building. When complete, it will house a number of formerly geographically-dispersed but complementary research groups and multidisciplinary teams, and will unlock space and facilities in the existing CBS building for the Green Chemicals Beacon.

The development forms a key part of both Global Strategy 2020 and the University of Nottingham’s Research Strategy.

Read more about the CBS expansion.

Parking adjustments

The first phase of building work on the CBS expansion will include an adjustment to parking facilities near to the Boots Science Building. Drivers are advised that around 60 parking spaces will be removed from this area from Monday 15 January to enable the construction to take place.

A review of the parking facilities on University Park has recently been carried out in order to improve the provision of spaces available. As a result 35 staff parking spaces have been reinstated adjacent to the Chemistry building.

We are also continuing work to implement:

  • Planned adjustments to parking layouts in the Engineering and Science area (to provide 32 additional staff parking spaces)
  • Planned adjustments to parking layouts at the front of Hallward Library (to enable re-instatement of 20 staff parking spaces)

Adjustments to these parking spaces were anticipated to be completed by January 2018 however progress has been slowed by recent inclement weather: wapologise for any inconvenience and will continue to complete these over the coming weeks. 

Other areas available for staff parking on University Park also include:

  • Main visitors car park (230 staff spaces)
  • Lenton Hall Drive between Library Road and Derby Road (107 staff spaces)
  • Lincoln Hall car park off Cripps Hill (58 staff spaces)

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January 24th, 2018 at 11:13 am

Sara Brown

Where are the extra spaces??? parking is becoming a real concern as the amount of staff per parking space must be at lease 2-1?? If I had an option of public transport i would use it but i don’t as i live 15 miles away and I am not on a route to Nottingham. The man hours lost as staff are trying to park and it literally takes hours to find a space if at all, if you have an early meeting or appointment off site you have no chance of parking.

January 25th, 2018 at 10:56 am


Hi Sara. The adjustments to provide the additional 32 spaces are continuing and these spaces are all expected be in place over the next couple of weeks.
The car park under the tram bridge, which has been closed temporarily due to gas works ( is also on schedule to re-open soon.


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