Call for International Women’s Day Programme Board

November 16th, 2021

Join in the planning for International Women’s Day 2022.

Staff and students are invited to join the programme board for the university’s International Women’s Day celebrations.

There is an opportunity for up to six people to shape how the University of Nottingham recognises and celebrates International Women’s Day This opportunity is open to all job roles and staff at any level, and students.

If you are interested in joining the programme board and shaping the university’s delivery of International Women’s Day 2022 events, please fill in this form by Tuesday 30 November 2021. 

What will it involve? 

The role of programme board is to: 

  • Contribute to discussions to decide on a theme for the recognition month.
  • Actively support the planning and delivery of two university wide events around the theme. This may include hosting the events, liaising with external speakers if necessary, and promoting the events.
  • Review and decide on funding applications for local events.
  • Attend weekly programme board meetings.

The committee members will provide a steer on the themes and content of the recognition day/week celebrations, as well as have responsibility for the planning and delivery of institutional events. They will also be expected to review and decide on funding applications for local events.

The first programme board meeting will meet informally during the week commencing Monday 6 December 2021 and will start to meet formally from w/c Monday 10 January 2022.

Share your ideas for International Women’s Day 2022

As part of the planning process, we welcome ideas for themes or events. Please share these using this short form.

All contributions, input, and feedback are highly valued. Please get in touch soon so that your views can be considered in the organisation of this celebration.

For queries, please contact the EDI Coordinators.

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