Bulletin board

June 10th, 2013

Praise for team as Kate gets set for new Australia role

Kate Robertson, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, is leaving the University for a new post as Chief Engagement Officer at the University of Adelaide in Australia.

In the four years she has been at Nottingham Kate has launched the University’s largest ever fundraising campaign. Under her leadership, Impact: The Nottingham Campaign has so far raised over £94m, including a gift of £12m, the largest corporate gift for higher education in the UK outside Oxford and Cambridge. The University also received the biggest single gift from one of its graduates amid a significant increase in donors generally.

Kate said: “None of this would have been possible without the hard work, dedication and commitment, not only from a wonderful team in the Campaign and Alumni Relations Office, but also from the wider University community. I am positive that the Impact campaign will continue to celebrate yet more successes and achievements.”

Kate, who will be moving with her family to South Australia, takes up her new role in September.

“I have learned so much from my time at Nottingham that will stand me in good stead for the challenges ahead but right now there’s lots still to do before I go, not least of which is LifeCycle 3 in support of our Stroke Rehab work.”

Sports communications and marketing: Just ask Lee!

Lee Chrimes has joined the University as Sports Marketing and Communications Officer. In the new post, Lee will handle the Sports Department’s marketing needs across all platforms: online, digital and social as well as print, display and communications.

Medicine and Health Sciences in shake-up

From 1 August, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences will reform into four distinct Schools.

A new School of Life Sciences will bring together the Schools of Biology and Biomedical Sciences and most courses from the School of Molecular Medical Sciences.

The School of Medicine will draw together Clinical Sciences, Community Health Sciences, Graduate Entry Medicine and Health with the Oncology, haematology and pathology courses and activity from Molecular Medical Sciences.

The School of Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy will become the School of Health Sciences. The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science will be unchanged.

Dean of the Faculty, Professor Ian Hall, said: “I firmly believe that the plans we have will bring greater clarity and robustness to teaching, learning and research and bring great benefits to students, staff and partners.”

Faculty spaces, including a student hub and informal learning spaces in the Medical School, a new Clinical Skills Centre, a student study and social space and office in the Clinical Sciences Building at the City Hospital, are also being redeveloped.

Rich experience as athletes compete in Malaysia

More than 200 students from the University’s UK, China and Malaysia campuses are competing in the fifth annual Tri Campus Games. Teams will compete across 19 events, before taking on local clubs, while soaking up life at UNMC.

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