Behind the scenes at the Veterinary School: an open day for University staff

March 4th, 2015

Want to know more about the School of Veterinary Science and Medicine? Come to an open day on Wednesday 25 March exclusively for University Staff.

The Veterinary School had a successful 2014, becoming one of only 10 European-accredited veterinary schools, and continuing to top National Student Survey (NSS) and other league tables, in addition to great success in REF. We would like to share more widely some of the innovative features of the school: we will be running an open day for University academic, administrative and technical staff on Wednesday 25 March from 12.45-5pm. The afternoon will include some fun interactive demonstrations and also workshops on a number of aspects.

You can get involved in trying your hand at lambing, scanning the heart of one of our teaching dogs and taking part in a problem-oriented clinical relevance session. We will also be offering 5 different workshop sessions covering teaching and learning, assessment, student recruitment, student welfare and technical support to showcase our activities and best practice, including input from our colleagues in Professional Services.

If you are interested in attending, please can you email, stating, in order of preference, your choice of three of the workshops detailed below. Please note places will be limited.

1. Managing curriculum development and change
Curricula are never static – as teachers we must respond to new knowledge and new requirements of our graduates. However, it is much easier to deliver the same content in the same way, year on year. This workshop will explore how to avoid this becoming the norm and engage both staff and students with curriculum change. It will explore the importance of leadership and communication within this process. The student engagement process will be specifically emphasised from the perspective of curriculum ownership and the potential influence on NSS and other measurements.

2. Exploring assessment strategies
This workshop will address three questions: “What is it we are trying to assess?”, “ How are we assessing it?” and finally, “Why are we assessing it?” The school assessment strategy will be used as a case study to promote discussion around assessment practices within different schools. This will include the use of Rogo, curriculum mapping and Pebblepad to enhance assessment for learning as well as assessment of learning.

3. Towards best practice in student support: the Vet School model
This welfare-based session will provide an opportunity to learn more about our tutoring philosophy and management of student welfare. During an interactive session, we will work through typical welfare scenarios, outlining the support we utilise both within and external to the School and University. Drawing on our shared experiences, we will develop an understanding of best practice in student support and welfare.

4. Want to be a Nottingham Vet?
The school uses the recruitment cycle to ensure that applicants who are most appropriate to both the style and nature of the course and also the profession apply to study with us, whilst simultaneously teaching applicants about what is required to be a veterinary student at the UK’s top Veterinary School. This workshop looks at activities through the lifecycle of a new veterinary student from first contact with the school through to the transition period of Fresher’s Week.

5. Technical Excellence at the Veterinary School
Discover how a multitude of technical skills support teaching at the top UK Veterinary School. How a team of anatomy technicians turn things inside out; clinical skills technicians use model making to make teaching look like child’s play and pathology technicians make even the biggest of cases into just a small problem.

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