Are you working with human tissue?

February 20th, 2017

Have you any Human Tissue (Blood, body fluids, frozen tissue, slides, wax blocks or bones) that the Human Tissue Management Group (HTMG) doesn’t know about?

The University of Nottingham is licensed by the Human Tissue Authority for oversight of the use of human tissues for teaching, research and anatomical training.

Individuals wanting to store or use human tissue must be in premises licenced by the HTMG designated individual, unless they are covered by current NHS ethical approval (HRA-REC) or are processed and made acellular within 7 days of receipt.

So if you are storing anything that contains intact cells we need to know about them, if you have a local Person Designate (PD) you should speak to them first and they will make sure that your tissue is held in licenced areas, and complies with the act.

A list of current licenced areas and local PDs can be found on Workspace.

The Act is not intended to cover collections of DNA or cell lines derived from human tissues, so we do not need to know about these.


If you are storing or using human tissues without current NHS ethical approval (HRA-REC) in place and you are not in premises already licensed under the Human Tissue Act, please email to check if your work or holdings needs to be brought under the license.

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