Are you volunteering to support the national response to the coronavirus?

May 12th, 2020

The University is asking staff members, who are undertaking voluntary work in support of the COVID-19 effort, to let them know.

Webpages dedicates to providing information and opportunities for volunteering and secondments during the pandemic have been met with an overwhelmingly positive response.

In order to get a sense of the scale in which staff are contributing to the national effort we would like to hear from anyone who is using their spare time for voluntary work. Whether you are supporting the NHS volunteering scheme, volunteering with your local council or a neighbourhood community group we’d like to hear about it.

We would like to know how you are volunteering, the time commitment, and a role description if you have one. The information will be used for building a picture of how the University has responded to the virus nationally.

In some circumstances, and only with responders’ authorisation, we’d also like to use some of these as case studies to share with other staff and students.

A huge thanks to all those who have volunteered so far.

Please tell us about your work.

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May 12th, 2020 at 3:55 pm

Anne Emerson

I am shopping for some elderly people who live in a retirement complex as part of a neighbourhood scheme.

May 14th, 2020 at 9:29 am

Cyrus M

Hi Anne, thanks for getting in touch. If you could email the Politcal Affairs team with the same information, they can use it for their research project. Thanks.

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