Appraisal and Development Conversation (ADC) – new guidance and support

April 25th, 2023

Following some key changes to the Appraisal and Development Conversations (ADCs), the university has published a collection of new and updated guidance and learning materials to support all staff to have good quality ADCs.

Earlier this year, HR led a review of ADCs to ensure staff feel supported to be the best they can be and are effectively engaged in the achievement of the university strategy.

ADCs intend to facilitate a safe and trusted space for open dialogue about performance, achievements, development and aspirations.

A key finding of the review was that the balanced framework approach is now outdated and has been superseded by the university’s Strategic Framework. Staff are instead encouraged to use Faculty or Professional Service Department operational delivery plans to direct and set future objectives.

The annual ADC window has also been amended to fit better with the university’s business planning cycle which now takes place between May and the end of September. You can find out more about these changes here.

With the introduction of these key changes, it is recommended that every member of staff refresh their understanding of ADCs and review the useful learning materials the university has to offer.

In preparation for this year’s annual ADC, we have:

  • updated the ADC guidelines and FAQs
  • created a new ADC eLearning module for both appraisers and appraisees
  • created a new ADC Discussion Guide for appraisers
  • created a new ADC Moodle page which brings together a range of support and learning materials

All of these can be found on the refreshed ADC webpage.

HR will continue to plan and deliver a wider programme of work that will deliver changes to the way we manage and support ADCs. In 2024, the output of our ADCs will be moving into the university’s new HR, Finance and Procurement system (as part of the Digital Core project).

You will be able to look forward to your regular ADC conversations and development plans being held in one central location, as well as being able to set personal and shared objectives in the system.

As part of this programme of work, HR are working to ensure the feedback gained through the ADC review feeds into the design of the new online ADC functionality.

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