A message from Information Services — Introduction of Screen Lock and Intruder Lockout

June 19th, 2017

From early July 2017, two new security features — Screen Lock and Intruder Lockout — will be introduced by Information Services in order to protect individual user accounts and ensure security best practice is maintained throughout the University.

What is screen lock?

‘Screen lock’ will be applied to staff laptops and desktops from early July 2017.

‘Screen lock’ will be initiated when there have been five minutes of inactivity for a particular machine (for example, no keyboard strokes or mouse activity). After this period, the desktop or laptop will require the user to enter their password to unlock the machine. Machines left for a longer period of time may enter sleep mode. If you wish to immediately lock your desktop or laptop screen, you can press Windows + L on the keyboard.

Please note that these changes will only affect staff laptops and desktops and will not apply to machines in computer rooms or lecture theatres. Computer rooms already have a policy that automatically logs the machine off after 20 minutes of inactivity. Screen lock will not be applied in lecture theatres.

What is intruder lockout?

‘Intruder lockout’ will be applied to staff laptops/desktops and machines in computer rooms and lecture theatres from July 2017.

‘Intruder lockout’ will lock a user account temporarily when there have been five failed attempts to login within five minutes. Please note that if you enter your University login details incorrectly, this will temporarily lock you out of any applications where those details are required.

‘Intruder lockout’ allows the user to re-enter their details after a five minute lapse. Users can also contact the IT Service Desk to remove the lockout or re-set the password. If password re-set is undertaken, note that the password will also need to be changed on any corresponding mobile devices that synchronise to your University account.

Next steps

If you would like to discuss the introduction of ‘screen lock and ‘intruder lockout’ further, please contact the IT Service Desk or a member of your local Campus IT Support team.

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