Green Week – cyclist activities and more

February 20th, 2015

Join Ucycle for a range events as part of ‘Green Week’.

Tram training for cyclists – Wednesday 25 Feb, 12-1pm – Clinical Sciences Building, City Hospital

Our free tram safety training helps cyclists understand how to safely share Nottingham’s roads with new trams.
Trams are a new feature of the highway and cyclists need to be aware of the potential hazards.

Our course gives you the knowledge to be able to ride safely and understand the roads from the tram driver’s perspective as well as on two wheels. A few adjustments to how you ride can make all the difference to your future safety.

Sessions cover topics such as:
• How to ride confidently near tram tacks
• Effective ways to cross tram lines safely by bike
• Signalling and riding near moving trams

For more information or to book your free place on the course contact

Dr Bike’s Beginner’s Fix-It Class – Wednesday 25 Feb – 5pm-6:30pm – Engineering and Science Learning Centre Atrium

Get a new bike for free! Well… it’ll feel like new after you’ve attended our maintenance workshops and learnt how to repair your trusty steed and nurse it back to a shiny state of awesomeness. In this beginners how-to workshop Dr Bike will be guiding you through the basics of bike repair and give you more knowledge and confidence to help keep your bike in top shape. The class is free, open to all University staff and students and will have food and drink to keep your brain muscles lubricated. All you need to do is turn up with your bike. Book your place now.

Framework 2nd Hand Bike Sale – Thursday 26 Feb – 11am-2pm – George Green Quad

The brilliant Framework Bike Club project will be visiting University Park and they will be bringing along a selection of refurbished second hand bikes for staff and students of the University. Framework take donated abandoned bikes and volunteers then refurbish and sell them to raise money for charity. You will be able to buy a bike on the day from as little as £35 and be safe in the knowledge that your money is making a difference.

As well as the bike sale we will also be running other bike related activities. Ucycle will be putting on competitions, giving out freebies and helping you solve all of your burning cycling based dilemmas.

Dr Bike’s Drop-in Clinic – Friday 27 Feb – 10am-2pm – Portland Picnic Area

Has your bike caught the bicycle flu? Does it need a round of anti-bike-otics? Well don’t worry! A fully qualified Doctor of bike medicine will be with you shortly. No need for an appointment, just bring your bike along and Dr Bike will give it a free safety check, fix your puncture or do his best to cure any other squeaks and creaks. Appointments are on a first come first serve basis.

Ucycle will also be there with activities, freebies and all the info you would ever need about bikes.

Friday Night Bike Bus – Friday 27 Feb – 5pm-6pm – Trent East Car Park

The University’s own bike convoy is back again. The friendly, social, easy going ride will be starting at the East Trent Car park at 5pm on the 27th of Feb and will be making its way through Nottingham to finish at the Castle for 6pm. Expect quiet traffic free paths, cave excursions and ye olde style Nottingham scenery. The ride is open to all abilities and if you want to hire a free bike and or just book your slot.

Dr Bike’s Advanced Fix-It Class – Tuesday 3 Mar – 5pm-7pm – Jubilee Exchange Atrium

Get a new bike for free! Well… it’ll feel like new after you’ve attended our maintenance workshops and learnt how to repair your trusty steed and nurse it back to a shiny state of awesomeness. In this advanced how-to workshop Dr Bike will be building on lessons from the beginner’s workshop or from other maintenance classes throughout the year. This will contain more advanced content ideal for those who already can name their bike parts and fix a puncture. The class is free, open to all University staff and students and will have food and drink to keep your brain muscles lubricated. All you need to do is turn up with your bike. Book your place online.

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