Green Flag success for University Park

July 21st, 2016

The University of Nottingham’s 120 hectare University Park campus has, for the 14th year running, been given national recognition for the quality of its landscaped green space.

Nottingham was the first university to be awarded a Green Flag by the Keep Britain Tidy charity back in 2003. The national award scheme measures a range of criteria including cleanliness, sustainability and conservation.

Andy Nolan, Director of Sustainability at The University of Nottingham said: “We’re thrilled that once again the hard work of everyone involved, both in the Green Flag submission and the continued upkeep, safety and sustainability of our grounds, has been recognised.

“To retain the flag for a 13th year is a real team effort between the staff, Friends of University Park and partnership working with organisations like Nottingham City Council and East Midlands in Bloom. The campus really is a beautiful space which provides a green haven for staff, students and local residents.”

A team of volunteers from Friends of University Park helped staff at the University select the green spaces to showcase and judging involves a combination of guided walks and unannounced ad hoc inspections.

David Pinney, on behalf of The Friends of University Park, said: “We are delighted that University Park will continue to fly the Green Flag. As the Steering Committee for the Friends of University Park, we enjoy welcoming members of the public to organised activities such as talks and guided walks about the rich environment we have on the fantastic Campus.

“These walks have included the autumn fungal foray, historic buildings, the contribution of Jesse Boot, medicinal plants and the geology. Our recent Picnic in the Park in the Millennium Garden was much enjoyed with the Newstead Brass Band and children’s activities such as face-painting, rocket-making and pond-dipping.”

Areas of the campus that impressed judges included Nottingham Lakeside Arts, the Old Botanic Garden, The Trent Building, The Highfields walled garden, The Millennium Garden, The Orchard Hotel, The Downs and Hugh Stewart House and sunken garden.

Plans for the Portland Terrace, Theatre Gardens and the Arboretum Strategy, as well the recently completed Sports Trail around the campus, were also part of the award submission.

Nearly 1,450 parks, gardens, allotments and cemeteries across the UK now fly the green flag.

The awards are judged every year by 800 volunteer expert judges.

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