£10m research collaboration announced

May 12th, 2016

The University of Nottingham has announced a ground-breaking research collaboration with the University of Birmingham.

The establishment of the £10m Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE) is the result of a year-long competitive process, and marks the fifth anniversary of the strategic partnership between the two universities.

COMPARE will unite leading researchers from Nottingham and Birmingham, equipping them with some of the most advanced imaging technologies in the world in the quest to develop more effective drugs with fewer side effects. The focus will be on treating two of the major killers of mankind, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

COMPARE capitalises on Nottingham and Birmingham’s collective strengths in life sciences and will be one of the leading centres in UK for the delivery of pioneering and translational research. As well as delivering globally important scientific discoveries, COMPARE will develop the next generation of researchers with the skills to exploit new imaging techniques and facilities.

The Centre will be co-directed by Professor Stephen Hill, Professor of Molecular Pharmacology in the School of Life Sciences at The University of Nottingham, and Professor Steve Watson, British Heart Foundation Professor in Cardiovascular Sciences and Cellular Pharmacology in the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences at The University of Birmingham.

This unique and exciting approach to collaboration cements the Nottingham/Birmingham partnership as arguably the most significant bilateral collaborative university partnership in the UK.

More information here.

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