Strategy 2020 Organisation Design Review update

February 17th, 2016

Changes to the University’s Professional Services structure have been announced following the Strategy 2020 Organisation Design Review.

The review considered the impact of Project Transform — which includes the creation of the new Student Services department under Chief Student Management Officer Breda Walls — on the organisation design of Faculties and relevant Professional Services.

The Registrar’s Department now comprises the following areas:

  • Deputy Registrar’s Division
  • External Relations
  • Human Resources
  • Libraries, Research & Learning Resources
  • Strategy Planning and Performance

With the establishment of the new Student Services department led by Breda Walls, Chief Student Management Officer, as part of the Transform Organisational Design, the Academic Services division will not continue in its current form.

The name of Student Operations & Support has changed formally to the Deputy Registrar’s Division and Stephen Dudderidge has taken on the title of Deputy Registrar.

Kerry Law, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, will continue to lead an expanded External Relations department. New teams and activities that will fall under the department are:

  • Widening Participation — formerly in Student Operations and Support and now also incorporating the Academies Unit
  • International Student Recruitment activity (all other international activities will continue to report to the PVC Global Engagement)

“These changes are intended to make a real difference in terms of enhancing service delivery and will help with cross-team working across the whole department,” said Dr Paul Greatrix, Registrar. “Key to the future though will be the close collaboration between our teams and the CSMO’s new Student Services department as well as with new Faculty administrative structures as we seek to provide joined up services across the University for all of our students.”

The Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors have been reviewing their administrative structures and are currently consulting with APM staff at Levels 5 and 6 regarding proposals for the senior APM structure within Faculties. This is a University-wide process which will be completed with confirmation of staff appointments by 1 March. The review at APM Levels 1-4 will be managed at Faculty level and will follow the appointments to posts at Levels 5 and 6 to enable these senior colleagues to be involved in shaping proposals at Levels 1-4. Details of the APM 5 and 6 proposals and timeline can be found on the Strategy 2020 Organisation Design Workspace.

To view department structure charts, please see the links below:

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