Big-name line-up

January 31st, 2012

Minister of State for Universities and Science, the Rt Hon David Willetts MP will return to the 3rd Annual Dearing Higher Education Conference in February to deliver the plenary address to delegates from around the world.
The 2012 event will focus on The Business Growth Benefits of Higher Education. Speakers include John Cridland CBE, Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), Professor Iain Gray, Chief Executive of the Technology Strategy Board (TSB), and university and business leaders.
Hosted by the University at the East Midlands Conference Centre, the conference has become an established forum for debate on the future of universities and higher education.
It will field top speakers from business and public sector organisations, including the Amanda Nevill, Director of the British Film Institute (BFI); President of Boeing UK, Sir Roger Bone; Executive Vice-President of Manufacturing Engineering at Rolls-Royce, Dr Hamid Mughal; and Charlotte Hogg, Head of Retail Distribution and Intermediaries at Santander.
Professor Glyn Davis, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Melbourne, will open the Conference by delivering the first annual Universitas 21 Lecture. Professor Rod Coombs, Deputy President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Manchester; Nick Watkins, Managing Partner of White Cloud Capital; and Neil Davidson, Chairman of Nottingham spin-out Eminate, will all share experiences of how universities and businesses work collaboratively and support trade.
Delegates will explore four broad subjects: supporting strategies for growth, international perspectives, strength in partnerships and innovation.
The University hosts the Annual Dearing Higher Education Conference each year in memory of Lord Dearing, who died in 2009. As Sir Ron Dearing, he left an indelible mark on higher education with his transformative 1997 report Higher Education in the Learning Society. He was Nottingham’s Chancellor from 1993 to 2000 and held a series of major appointments in higher education, as chairman of the Universities Funding Council and its successor the Higher Education Funding Council for England.
“The University of Nottingham was privileged to have Lord Dearing serve as our fifth Chancellor for seven years,” said Professor David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor. “During his term of office he oversaw a major expansion of the University’s student numbers, the opening of the Jubilee Campus and establishment of The University of Nottingham in Malaysia; a landmark time for Nottingham.”
To register for the Annual Dearing Conference, visit:

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