
October 19th, 2011

Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 November, DH Lawrence Pavilion and Djanogly Art Gallery, Lakeside Arts Centre. Open from 10am to 5pm. Weekend admission: £5, pensioners £4, under-16s free.

Lustre is one of the UK’s highest quality craft events. Over the weekend, 55 contemporary craft-makers will be selling everything from fine jewellery, bags and hats to vases and tableware. Each craft-maker has been selected by a panel of experts for the quality and unique aspect of their work, and they will be on hand to chat to you about what inspired their work and what techniques they used. Lustre also gives you a sneak preview of some of the most cutting-edge work that is coming out of the region’s universities. Make a point of seeking out their work in the Young Meteors Gallery.


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