Sir Steve inspires potential

June 7th, 2013

Olympic rowing hero Sir Steve Redgrave demonstrated  his support for Nottingham Potential by visiting the IntoUniversity Nottingham East Learning Centre in St Ann’s.

The five-time gold medallist visited the centre before being the guest of honour at a black-tie dinner, hosted by consultancy firm Gleeds, for whom Sir Steve is an ambassador.

The dinner raised money for Nottingham Potential, which helps less-advantaged young people reach their academic potential through programmes, including attending learning centres such as the one in St Ann’s.

Nottingham Potential builds on the University’s successful Widening Participation work over the past decade within less-privileged communities and aims to provide earlier, broader interventions for young people to raise attainment and encourage progression to university. The programme has been made possible by a £2.1m donation from the David Ross Foundation.

Kate Robertson, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, said: “It is fantastic that Sir Steve Redgrave and Gleeds are supporting the vital work we do through Nottingham Potential. By working in partnership with organisations such as Gleeds, we are able to support young people in the local communities and give them the opportunity to reach their academic potential. Without their support, these types of centres would not be possible and we are also delighted that they have lent us the support of Sir Steve, who will undoubtedly inspire the children and show them how to get results from hard work and commitment.”

Sir Steve already has links with Nottingham, having previously been given an honorary degree by the University.

Stuart Senior, Main Board Director for Gleeds Nottingham, added; “Both Gleeds and our ambassador, Sir Steve Redgrave, are delighted to be able to offer support for this impressive and worthwhile initiative. Nottingham Potential encourages young people across the city to realise their true potential, regardless of their background and therefore plays a vital role in nurturing the talent of tomorrow. We are proud to play a part in ensuring that this fantastic campaign can continue to develop.”

The black-tie dinner, held at the King’s Meadow Campus, was an opportunity to celebrate the success of Nottingham Potential with the University’s partners and stakeholders. A charity auction was held to raise money for the project.

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