Hollywood producer praises film MA

April 15th, 2013

A leading Hollywood visual effects producer says a new and unique film course at the University will fill a gap in the market for training in the competitive world of the film and television industry.

Francine Marchetti has worked for Warner Bros, Paramount, Universal and Disney and was the latest Hollywood professional to visit the University’s Institute of Screen Industries Research (ISIR). Her visit coincided with the launch of a new MA in Film, Television and Screen Industries which is designed to train the industry pioneers of the future.

Ms Marchetti gave staff and students an insider’s perspective on working in Hollywood including a screening and talk on the latest Oscar-winning movie for visual effects, Life of Pi. She also gave lectures and seminars to film students about the visual effects industry and advice on how to pursue a career in this field.

The University’s Department of Culture, Film and Media is launching its new taught masters programme which has been developed in consultation with film and TV studios, industry organisations and leading filmmakers. The MA is an important addition to the pioneering work of the Institute of Screen Industries Research, which is increasing dialogue between academia and industry.

The year-long full-time course, also available part-time over two years, is designed to give participants an in-depth working knowledge of the film business including the studio operations, production development, marketing and branding, audience intelligence and international markets and regulations. Unique to the UK, this MA also offers students the opportunity to apply for highly competitive internships in leading studios and organisations in Hollywood and the UK.

Francine Marchetti, said: “I am extremely excited to be part of the Institute for Screen Industries Research project. I look forward to collaborating on the new MA programme which I believe will be a dynamic and productive opportunity for all students wishing to work in the film and television industry.”

Director of the Institute of Screen Industries Research, Dr Gianluca Sergi, added: “It is extremely encouraging to see the support and enthusiasm from leading industry professionals around our new MA programme in Film, Television and Screen Industries. The MA is a significant component of the Institute for Screen Industries Research project and we believe that students will benefit hugely form being part of it.”

More on the course: http://tiny.cc/UoNFilm


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