Join us on stage at Graduation – volunteers needed for platform party

June 12th, 2024

Colleagues from across the university are invited to play a special part in this summer’s graduation ceremonies.

This summer we are holding graduation ceremonies between 16 – 24 July for our Class of 2024. This is an amazing time to celebrate the achievements of our graduates and staff.

Feedback from students tells us that they really value seeing staff who have been involved in their learning and broader student experience at their ceremonies.

Volunteers are needed to be part of the graduation platform party for each of our ceremonies. Staff at all levels and from all job families are encouraged to take part.

What will be involved?

The platform party is approximately two hours in total. You will arrive 45 minutes before the start time of the ceremony to the staff robing room – upstairs at David Ross Sports Village – where you will be robed by Ede and Ravenscroft.

Around 20 minutes before the ceremony starts, you’ll be asked to form the academic procession which will be led down the ceremony hall and onto the stage to be seated. This marks the beginning of the proceedings.

After an introduction by the Presiding Officer, students will be called to the stage to have their degrees conferred and you’ll be asked to applaud as the students cross the stage.

The ceremony generally lasts for an hour and 15 minutes, after which the academic procession will leave the ceremony, returning to the robing room. Robes are collected back in and at that point you’re able to leave.

We are particularly low on-stage presence at the ceremonies below:

Saturday 20 July, 10:30am – Humanities (all courses except History)

Saturday 20 July, 1:30pm – English and Humanities (History only)

Saturday 20 July, 4:00pm – Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

Monday 22 July, 10:30am – Economics

Your support would be hugely appreciated.

How to volunteer

To accommodate extra people, we have decided to extend our registration deadline and platform party gown hire until Friday 21 June 2024.

If you’d like to volunteer, please contact stating your interest in volunteering as a member of the platform party before the deadline and a member of the team will be in touch.

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