New accessibility tools for staff and students

November 21st, 2023

Two new digital accessibility tools have been launched for use by the university community for the 2023-24 academic year.

Brickfields Accessibility+ Toolkit for staff

Staff who manage content in Moodle can now easily check and improve the accessibility of their content with the Brickfields Accessibility+ Toolkit.

The toolkit is an extensive accessibility checker that will help recognise and fix issues with accessibility in Moodle content (not on the files stored within Moodle). The toolkit isn’t visible to students but the improvements that you can make using the toolkit will have a big impact on the experience for students.

The Accessibility+ Toolkit will help catch issues with accessibility in six important areas:

  • images
  • layouts
  • links
  • media
  • tables
  • text

The toolkit will suggest some automated fixes for simpler options, and help you identify where further changes may need to be made, for instance alt-text.

To find out more about how to use the toolkit and the weekly training sessions, visit the Nottingham Accessibility Practices (NAP) guide.

SensusAccess – automatic file converter for staff and students

SensusAccess is an automated file converter that allows staff and students to convert documents into formats that better suit their individual needs, such as alternative document formats, eBooks and audio as well as specialist conversions such as DAISY talking books and multiple braille languages. ​​​​​​​

Sensus Access is available within Moodle and as a standalone tool on the Libraries website.

Using SensusAccess in Moodle

Files and documents in Moodle now have the SensusAccess icon next to it. Just click the icon and select the alternative file type for conversion.

Who can use the standalone SensusAccess?

The standalone SensusAccess tool on the Libraries website will allow you to convert files from your own device, rather than via Moodle.

All students, staff and associates can use the standalone tool but what you can convert will depend on your personal circumstances.

For users with a print disability, or who are converting a file on behalf of an individual with a print disability

  • There are no restrictions placed on the amount you can convert provided that the copy is for the use of the print disabled individual only and that the files aren’t shared with any other party.

For users with no print disability

SensusAccess can be used to convert files where:

  • the document is out of copyright
  • you have the direct permission of the copyright owner
  • the document is your own work
  • you are converting a small amount of a larger work (e.g. 1 chapter of a book or 1 article from a journal)

For further advice on copyright restrictions, please visit the Copyright webpages or contact

For full guidance on how to use the tool, visit the SensusAccess guide on workspace or SensusAccess webpage on the Libraries website.

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