Policy and Civic Impact Programmes open for applications

October 3rd, 2023

Applications are now open for the Institute of Policy and Engagement’s Institute Academy programmes for the academic year 2023-24.

These programmes are your opportunity to access individualised training and support to develop your skills, knowledge and experience in order to achieve policy impact or civic engagement with your research.

Following the successful introduction of the Institute’s Policy Impact Pathways Programme and Policy Impact Accelerator Programme last year, both programmes will run again in 2023-24. They will be joined by a new pilot programme, the Civic Impact Champions programme.

Each programme is available to researchers in any UoN faculty. There are five places available on each of these three programmes, which will be decided via a competitive applications process.

Policy Impact Pathways Programme (PIPP)
The PIPP is our programme for early career researchers wanting to take a first step into engaging policy makers with their research. This programme may be for you if you are interested in policy impact and have some idea of how your work might be relevant to policy makers, but you have yet to make a start on engaging with policy.

Policy Impact Accelerator Programme (PIAP)
The PIAP is aimed at mid-career researchers, or those who have already started to engage with policy partners in some way. This programme may be for you if you have started to develop relationships in the policy space or have taken your first steps into the policy impact world, but would benefit from a structured programme of support to help you develop your skills, knowledge and confidence.

Civic Impact Champions Programme (CICP)
The CICP is aimed at researchers at all career levels, who have some experience of engaging with external partners and/or the public on research projects.  This programme may be for you if you have an interest in responding to local need, want to develop your skills in partnership working and are looking to increase your knowledge of local government structures. If you are looking for seed funding and assistance in building networks outside the university then consider applying.

In addition to the three competitive programmes, the Institute will also be able to offer bespoke support to academics who are working on high potential policy impact or public engagement initiatives, and who would benefit from specific support beyond what is available in their self-service training offer.

This support will be available by agreement with faculties, so if you are interested in this, please contact your faculty impact team in the first instance.

For more information on the various programmes, please see the FAQs document and a more detailed breakdown of each programme, which are linked above.

How to apply

The deadline for applications for the three competitive programmes is Friday 27 October 2023.

To apply, please complete the relevant application form using the links below, ensuring you have a letter of support from your school before submitting.

If you have any questions before submitting your application, please contact us on theinstitute@nottingham.ac.uk.

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