Local pay negotiation outcome

July 28th, 2023

Further to the announcement of a local three year pay deal in 2022, the details of the 23/24 pay award for our level 1-3 staff have now been finalised.

The local pay negotiation process covers all staff in the APM and Technical Services job families at levels 1-3, and all staff in the Childcare Services and Operations & Facilities job families.

As previously communicated in Campus News, for Technical Services staff at levels 4-6 it was agreed with the campus trade union that national arrangements will be implemented in line with APM and R&T staff at levels 4-6.

Level 1-3 staff subject to local pay negotiations will see an increase in pay between 6.7% – 8.5% from 1 August 2023, with the majority receiving 7.3% or more.

For the 96% of level 1-3 staff who are eligible for an incremental increase this percentage will be made up of the consolidated increase for the relevant spine point (as detailed in the table below) plus the value of the consolidated increment.

For the 4% of colleagues at level 1-3 who are not eligible for an incremental increase due to being at or above the standard maximum for their grade, the percentage will be made up of the consolidated increase for the relevant spine point (as detailed in the table below) plus a non-consolidated, one-off payment at the value of an increment.

The table below shows the cost-of-living percentage increases which apply for each spine point.

As part of the three-year pay award from 1 August 2023, the maximum CRSP employee contribution rate will increase to 7% with an increased matched employer contribution of 14%. This means a total potential pension contribution of 21% will be possible from 1 August 2023 for staff who choose to take advantage of the additional contributions.

All elements of the local pay award, including those eligible for incremental progression, will be implemented from 1 August 2023 and will be included within salary paid at the end of August 2023. Updated Salary Scales will be published shortly.

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