Staff Carers’ Network listening exercise

June 23rd, 2023

The Staff Carer’s Network would like to speak to colleagues in different job roles across the university who play a part – from near or far – in caring for a relative, friend or neighbour.

Are you someone who regularly gives support/ care to a relative, friend or neighbour? Or maybe you have someone in your life who needs support/ care but you do not live close to them and struggle with being at a distance?

The staff carers’ network is carrying out a project to find out more from colleagues who play a role in caring for a relative, friend or neighbour.

To this end, the project team would like to speak to colleagues in different job roles across the University of Nottingham about how their caring responsibilities align, or not, with their work and to hear any ideas about how they to be supported at work.

The project also aims to reach those who are not currently members of the staff carers’ network to be able to gain insight into a wider range of experiences of caring and to develop further initiatives to be more inclusive as a staff network.

How do you take part?

If you wish to take part, you can register your interest via the MS Form using the link below:

Registration Form

If you are selected to take part, a member of the network will be in contact to arrange the 1-2-1 interview. If you have any questions regarding the research you can email or contact Isobel O’Neil.

What are the benefits in taking part?

You would be contributing to improving the carers’ network’s understanding of what barriers working carers may face across the university.

The staff carers’ network is there to help make our workplaces as inclusive as possible and in order to do this different experiences need to be heard and understood.

As a thank you for taking part in the research, you will receive a £10 voucher. This will be emailed to you after taking part as an amazon e-voucher.

What is a carer?

A carer is someone who is responsible for the care of a friend, relative or neighbour who may be ill, frail, have a disability, is mentally distressed or is suffering from substance misuse. The people you support would usually not be able to cope in life without your care.

What does taking part in the research mean for you?

You would take part in a 30-minute 1-2-1 conversation to share your views on a range of topics relating to your caring responsibilities. For example, you would be asked your views on using the term “carer”, on how you manage your caring responsibilities around your work, and on where and how you feel you are/ are not supported at work.

What is the Staff Carers’ Network?

The staff carers’ network is a staff network offering support for carers at the University of Nottingham. The network advocates for staff carers within the university community and beyond.

The network can signpost carers to information and support both within and outside the university.

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