Remembering Grace O’Malley-Kumar and Barney Webber

June 15th, 2023

The University of Nottingham and Students Union wish to thank everyone who was able to attend the vigil yesterday or have shared their sympathy, grief and support for the families of Grace and Barney. We would like to draw your attention to further ways in which you can remember Grace and Barney and express your support for their families.

Book of condolence

Books of condolence have now been opened, where the university’s student and staff community are invited to share their thoughts or memories of Grace and Barney. A copy of the books will be shared with each of their families. The books can be found in in the Chapel Lounge on the A floor of Portland Building on University Park.

An online book of condolence is now live.

University support line (closed from Monday 3 July 2023)

A dedicated support line has been opened for members of the university community who would like to speak to a trained supporter. They offer a listening ear, and signposting to further support services if needed. Call 0115 748 7900..

Nottingham city vigil – 5:30pm today (Thursday 15 June 2023)

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shearer West, will speak at a city-wide vigil held later today in Nottingham’s Old Market Square. She will be joined by the Lord Mayor, Cllr Carole McCulloch and Leader of the Council, Cllr David Mellen in remembering the three victims of Tuesday’s attack – Grace, Barney, and school caretaker Ian Coates.

Members of the university community are encouraged to attend the vigil, which begins at 5.30pm on Thursday 15 June. Transport on the city’s buses will be free of charge between 3pm and 8pm to support people who wish to attend.

Our campus vigil

At a vigil on Wednesday 14 June attended by the parents, families and close friends of Grace and Barney, the university’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shearer West and the Students’ Union Community Officer Daisy Forster addressed thousands of members of the university community who gathered to remember them.

Grace was a medical student, thriving in her first year of study and inspired to a career in medicine by work placements in a GP surgery and her volunteering for the nationwide vaccination programme during the Covid-19 pandemic. She was a talented sportswoman, playing international hockey for both the U16 and U18 England Hockey Team and Essex U15 Women’s Cricket. She was held in the highest regard by her tutors and team mates alike.

Barney was a first-year history student, with a particular personal interest in geopolitics of both the USA and China. His tutors recall his energy as a student and as fun, friendly, and full of life in his seminars. He too was a sporting talent, playing hockey, rugby and cricket for his school and local clubs and excelling at sports at Nottingham.

Professor West said: “It is hard to find the words to express the shock and grief felt across our institution at the senseless loss of two first year students who have had their bright futures brutally curtailed by a seemingly random act of violence.

“Against this backdrop of deep sadness and loss, I hope we can draw some comfort from the public reaction locally, nationally, and indeed globally to this dreadful crime. Nottingham is a wonderful and distinctive city, and our university and civic communities are united both in our grief and in our knowledge that this terrible act is not what our city is about.”

Daisy Forster, SU Communities Officer, said: “What should have been one of our biggest celebrations turned into one of our darkest days. What was taken from us yesterday will never be given back and the shock waves echo through our student community.” She paid condolences to the students’ families and said they had “38,000 students standing behind them”.

Grace’s father Sanjoy thanked those present: “for your support, for taking the time to be here. All you guys, everywhere that I can see, a sea of people. Such a lovely sign of unity, the bond you have. Grace was also like Barney, she loved coming up to Nottingham. In fact, we couldn’t get her down. The love that we have out here, I just wish we had it everywhere. Look out for each other, that’s the big thing. Look after your friends and look after the people around you. It’s so important.”

Barney’s father David joined Sanjoy in thanking everyone for attending the vigil, saying: “I’m lost for words, I’ve lost my baby boy, I cannot comprehend how I am going to deal with it. Myself and Emma and Charlie and his family and friends… I know Barney would be super touched by everyone that’s here.

“He loved it. He loved it here. He couldn’t wait to come back. It drove me mad. His heart will be with you guys forever and thank you so much. I really can’t say much more.”

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June 15th, 2023 at 6:14 pm

Isabel Sharp

I am so sorry for your loss! Nottingham will always remember x

June 15th, 2023 at 6:15 pm

Isabel Sharp

I am so sorry for your loss. Nottingham is a sadder place without your children xx

June 15th, 2023 at 6:48 pm


To Barnaby and Grace ❤️

June 15th, 2023 at 7:15 pm


So saddened by the loss of two beautiful, young souls who had the world ahead of them. May they Rest In Peace and may God give their families peace and help them in these tough times.
Rand, 2003 graduate

June 15th, 2023 at 9:22 pm

Gethin Edwards

Condolences to the friends, family and everyone connected with the incidents

June 15th, 2023 at 10:02 pm

Alison Lycett

I am so sad for your heartbreak. Please accept our condolences. Your children look amazing. I have a 1st year son at Lancaster Uni and we are visiting Nottingham for the open day next week, it could have been anyone’s child. We would like to donate to support student and alumni with mental health illness and will look out for a link somewhere Ally

June 15th, 2023 at 10:47 pm

Stephanie Wright

Sending love to you all in memory of beautiful Grace and Barnaby. The depth of grief reflects the depth of love you shared and so will never end: “Grief never ends, that’s how we know loves never ends”. I so wish they had been spared for you, for them and for all of us. Thank you to Grace and Barnaby’s parents for your words of hope, love and unity at the vigils on campus and at market square.
My daughter (9) painted a stone which said “Love Each Other” inspired by your words and we left it with the flowers on campus. Thank you Grace and Barnaby for choosing Nottingham. We choose love in your memory and love is your legacy xx

June 15th, 2023 at 10:55 pm

Danny Blundell

I’m a PhD student at Leeds but I was a masters student at Nottingham last year and seeing this horrible event in a place so dear to me and many others in the center of university life is horrendous. It’s crushing to see scours of people wearing the same kit that hangs proudly in my wardrobe I broken on Portland hill. So many of us have taken that same path back from the same place but only now know the meaning of the phrase it could have been any of us, I’m so sorry it was them. I didn’t know Barney or Grace but I’ve been fortunate to meet many people from sporting, cadet and medical worlds and know them outgoing, inspirational and wonderful people from my time at university and within the Cadet forces. If it is of any comfort I can say that many of us now in the later stages of uni life would give so much to experience first year once again. It’s where we find out life long passions, our best friends and ourselves. But I know for the likes Barney and Grace, who grabbed the university experience by the horns and ran far and fast with it, the year they have just had would have been truly exceptional. If half the lovely stories now circulating are true, if given the chance, most of us would give up so much more to have the expectance the type of people they where would have had this year. I can’t imagine what your families are going through but I want you to know they where truly happy, probably the happiest they had ever been and maybe could ever have been. So even though their life’s have been cut short by this tragedy and of course stifled by the pandemic before their journey they have truly lived, truly loved and truly experienced the world and have left a lasting impact upon it. I and many of my friends have been a new outlook of life inspired by their stories and reality checked by the fleetingness of life. I’m proud to say I’m even passingly connected to them as a Notts alumni so I can’t imagine how proud can say you are once the pain is more manageable. I’m sorry.

June 16th, 2023 at 11:13 am

The Quinn Family

Our thoughts are with the families and friends of those affected by this awful tragedy. Our eldest two children are the same ages and away at University and we can’t even comprehend what you must be going through.
Rest in peace Grace and Barney, you are forever in our hearts. xx

June 20th, 2023 at 2:36 pm

Kirsty, Jason, Jasmine and Lauren

We are so sorry for your loss and send our sincerest condolences to both families. Our hearts are breaking for you and everyone touched by this tragedy. Grace and Barney will never be forgotten. Rest in peace beautiful children.

June 21st, 2023 at 2:34 pm

Johnson C.

R.I.P. Grace and Barney

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