Progress on visitor car park resurfacing work and pending temporary closure

June 12th, 2023

Throughout the works to date, the contractors have worked to ensure some capacity in the car park has remained available.

However, as activity heads towards completion the car park will need to close for a period of three weeks from Monday 26 June to Friday 14 July 2023 (inclusive).

This will enable work across the top of the access road to be undertaken, and completion of the drainage work through the centre of the car park. The entire car park will then be resurfaced in preparation for reopening.

During this period, car parking around the Tower Building will temporarily re-open to relieve immediate pressure, providing 51 alternative parking spaces.

Whilst the works to the visitor car park have reduced parking availability in the centre of campus, parking is still available in other areas.

Daily surveys throughout May and early June have shown that between 9:30am and 11:30am, there have consistently been between 30 and 100 hundred parking spaces available in the car parks around the halls of residence and Beeston Lane on University Park.

There have also been 60+ spaces available at Jubilee and 100+ at KMC throughout this time, with the hopper bus services continuing to connect all sites.

We apologise for any inconvenience this will cause. These are important works to ensure flood risk at George Green Library is reduced, as well as improving the overall car parking conditions for staff and visitors.

Once all works are complete, larger parking spaces will be introduced, alongside additional electric vehicle charging points.

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