New research funding service

May 30th, 2023

UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) Simpler and Better Funding (SBF) programme is creating a funding service that is easy to use and supports everyone involved in research funding.

The goal is to operate a single, consistent user-centred service that:

  • reduces the burden of finding, applying for and managing research funding
  • gives UKRI evidence to support funding the best ideas
  • can respond and adapt easily to change.

The SBF programme will be delivering a funding service based on a new digital platform, underpinned by improved policies, processes and support.

These changes will make it easier for researchers and innovators to collaborate, obtain guidance, and submit applications in a joined-up way.

The Funding System (TFS) will replace UKRI’s Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S).   Ultimately, the new service will support all UKRI funding opportunities, of every type, and from any UKRI council.

Pip Peakman, R&I Director at the university said: “The introduction of the new system which will create a simplified process to support researchers is great news.

“The new system will affect all researchers applying for funding from UKRI, so I’d urge you all to take a look at the latest information and guidance.  A summary and FAQs are on our SharePoint which you can access here.

“UKRI have assured us that the new funding system is more than just the platform, it’s a new service which offers lots of benefits.

The new platform isn’t quite the finished yet and updates are planned to ensure its fully functional in the next few months and ultimately it will be a much-improved user experience.

“We are awaiting training resources, including online videos and will keep the SharePoint updated with new information as we receive.”

Guidance on the UKRI Funding Finder will make it clear whether applications to a particular opportunity are via Je-S or TFS.

Further information on the SBF Programme and the development of TFS is also available on the UKRI website.  This includes details of transition plans for individual Councils and how to get started.

UKRI have also updated guidance on roles in funding applications.  The new role types will apply to any application in TFS opening from 22 May onwards.

Any opportunities that were already open before this time should follow the opportunity specific guidance.

Pip added: “As the new system is still in development, I would urge colleagues to allow plenty of time for the development and submissions of applications.”

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