The National Student Survey – call for support

February 3rd, 2023

The National Student Survey (NSS) is now open for final-year undergraduate students.

The NSS was established in 2005 and is a census of nearly half a million students across the UK. It enables the university and the University of Nottingham Students’ Union to understand what we’re getting right and what we need to improve.

The survey is a great way for final-year undergraduates to provide honest feedback on various aspects of  university life, including teaching, wellbeing, assessments, academic support, learning resources, the student voice and overall satisfaction.

Students will have been sent a direct link to the survey from Ipsos to their university email account. Alternatively, they can complete the survey at any time by visiting the NSS website and entering their student ID number. The deadline for completing the NSS is Sunday 30 April.

You can support the survey by encouraging students to get involved. This will help to maximise the number of responses and can help us make changes to our teaching, resources, facilities and the student experience here at UoN.

Various promotional resources are available in the below link, including lecture slides, images for social media posts and more.

Promotional resources for staff

All responses to the NSS are anonymised and those who complete the survey online will get a chance to win one of three £500 Love2shop vouchers.

Thank you for your support.

Read the terms and conditions for the prize draw

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