Black History Month 2022: recap and review

November 1st, 2022

The end of October marks the end of Black History Month. This year’s theme was Action Not Words: Enabling Black Success – a time to focus on celebration and reflection.

Black History Month was also a time to focus on the Black people alive right now who are actively making history and that’s something to keep in focus through the year.

This year, we had a variety of events and celebrations – everything from exhibitions, panel discussions, talks, and workshops.

Our main central panel event received lots of positive feedback and the BHM 2022 central event video is now live and ready to watch.

Action Not Words: Enabling Black Success 

A panel of Black staff and alumni explored what Black success means to them, what barriers they have faced and how they have overcome them. They also discussed what facilitates Black success in Higher education for students and staff.

The talk was chaired by Katherine Linehan, PVC for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and People.

Watch the full recording below:

If you have any thoughts or feelings about the event  please provide us with your feedback by filling out this short form.

Your input and contributions are appreciated and will help us in shaping future recognition months.

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