Act of Remembrance, Friday 11 November, 11am

November 2nd, 2022

Staff and students across the university are invited to participate in the Act of Remembrance by observing a Two Minute Silence at 11am on Friday 11 November 2022 in memory of all those who have died in armed conflict.

The Act of Remembrance unites people of all faiths and none, cultures, and backgrounds but it is also deeply personal and members of our university community are invited to pause and reflect in their own way.

The East Midlands Officers’ Training Corps (OTC) will join Professor Sarah O’Hara in an Act of Remembrance and wreath laying ceremony in the foyer of the Trent Building, University Park from 10:45am – 12 noon on Friday 11 November 2022. Staff and students are welcome to attend, although space is limited, so please rsvp to Helen Mcginnis as soon as possible.

Tea and coffee will be served in the Council Dining Room from 11.10am.

To commemorate Armistice Day, the university will be flying a flag of remembrance from Friday, as well as lighting the iconic Trent Building up in red over the weekend.

The service, light up and flag are there to commemorate the contribution of all service personnel living or deceased.

The names of staff and students who lost their lives during the First World War are recorded on a memorial plaque in the Trent Building foyer.

You can find out more about the roles played by the university, its staff and students in our World War I centenary webpages published in 2018 to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the conflict.

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