Consent course pilot for first-year students

October 17th, 2022

A four-minute micro-course on consent will be texted to all first-year students as part of a new pilot exploring how to help students build better relationships.

The pilot uses bite-sized course content delivered and completed on student mobile phones. The consent course will be followed by courses on tackling hate crime and misogyny delivered in the dame format later in the academic year. Promoted jointly by the SU and the Student and Campus Life team, the consent course will help students to understand that this important issue is everyone’s responsibility, and a key part of being a member of a supportive and inclusive university community.

Students will be sent course links via text from UoN Micro over two days from Tuesday 1 November. Each will take around four minutes to complete on their phones.

After the course is complete students will be encouraged to feed back on the delivery, content and tone of the courses. This, along with the feedback from subsequent courses, will be used to shape future courses.

Please encourage students to complete the courses and the feedback forms – it’s important that we get as much information as possible from students so that we can provide materials tailored to their needs.

For more information about consent, visit the university’s Let’s Be Clear on Consent web page, or Nottinghamshire’s Consent Coalition website.

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December 8th, 2022 at 10:52 am

Jeremy Turner

Hi, the text looks like a phishing text and students have been warned about things like this. I have told students to report it as I was not aware of this initiative. I do not know how it could be made more official but ‘app.goodcourse’ reads like a phishing link.

December 12th, 2022 at 11:39 am

Ryan Neal

Hi Jeremy,

Thank you for your feedback. This has been passed on to the team behind the Good course communications.


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