Getting to know our new Digital Core processes

October 6th, 2022

Over the past few months the Digital Core project team have been busy getting to understand the new processes that the university’s new HR, Finance and Procurement IT system will support.

The new self-service system is expected to be rolled out at the university during Q1 2024. This will allow us all to access HR, Finance and Procurement services from one place. We can look forward to the new system being modern, reliable, secure and fully integrated. It will replace 47 separate dated systems that we currently use.

The implementation partner for the Digital Core project is Mastek (previously known as Evosys). Members of staff from Mastek have now joined the project team at King’s Meadow Campus and have been running 71 implementation workshops since June. 49 colleagues from various departments have taken part in workshops relating to their areas of expertise.

Daniel Lang from the Procurement team said: “I am really pleased with how the workshops are going. We have built a strong rapport with the Mastek team which has helped to keep the conversations open and honest, and we are moving forward at pace.”

In the workshops the team explained how current HR, Finance and Procurement processes work at the university and they were given an initial demonstration of the new system. The workshops have resulted in the project team identifying decisions that need to be made and actions that will be completed to ensure the system is ready for use at the university. The team are now working through these.

Colleagues in each faculty/department have been recording the organisational structure for their areas. Over the coming weeks, this structure will be input into the new system for further demonstrations.

“I am very much looking forward to the more detailed demonstrations with real-life university data. This will allow us to see how the solution is shaping up and what decisions will need to be made to deliver the best we can for our colleagues,” highlights Daniel.

We are pleased to advise that a dedicated Change team has now joined the Digital Core project. Colleagues from this team will work closely with each faculty and department to help build relationships, set clear expectations and provide support as we move towards using the new system. The team are excited to be working with you and they are currently identifying the best ways to engage with each area and from when.

Work is also currently underway to brief the owners of IT systems that will send data to, or receive data from, the new HR, Finance and Procurement system (integrations). Dates are being confirmed for when system owners will be asked to test a mock-up integration ahead of the go-live date. This will play a key role in ensuring IT systems will continue to send and receive data as they do today.

If you have any questions about the Digital Core project, please join the Digital Core virtual drop-in session taking place on Thursday 20 October 2022, 11am to 12 noon. This is an informal opportunity for you to find out more about the project and ask any questions that you may have.

Use this link to register for the session – you will receive a calendar invite after you register.

For further information, please visit the Digital Core SharePoint site or email

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