Policies refreshed to improve staff online security

September 26th, 2022

Keeping our university community safe both on and off-line is a priority for the university and we need to ensure we have the right policies and procedures in place to keep our staff and systems secure.

The university has refreshed three policies aimed at creating guidance and best practice for people when using the internet and social media, as well as setting out how personal data will be held and used.

The updated policies are:

The Social Media policy has been updated to address the scope of the right to free speech and balance the benefits and risks of social media use by employees of the university, while the Acceptable Use policy covers rules and required behaviours for using university-owned facilities.

When first given IT access to university systems, all staff and students will be required to read and sign up to our Acceptable Use policy.

The policy has been modernised and applies to all current IT users at the university. It replaces the Code of Practice that all users were asked to sign up to when first creating their university IT account.

The Employee Monitoring policy sets out the university’s approach to monitoring staff, and the responsibilities of managers with respect to that monitoring.

Alongside the refreshed policies, a web page has been developed giving people more in-depth information about the Social Media Policy, including access to a Legal podcast briefing and FAQs.

All staff are encouraged to read the updated policies, visit the new web page and ensure they understand what each policy means for them as a member of staff at the university.

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