New guidance for university file storage

July 12th, 2022

Following the successful migration of the Z: drive to Microsoft 365, focus is now on the continued migration of S: and R: drives, as part of the university’s ongoing Strategic File Storage project.

All data stored within the S: (Shared) and R: (Research) Drives must be moved to Microsoft 365, except where there are specific contractual or performance requirements for S: or R: drive storage. This is an essential change, driven by compliance factors, and ensures we are all handling data in line with legislative and institutional guidelines.

The target date to complete this work was initially Sunday 31 July 2022, however, feedback from some schools and departments indicated that these timescales are not achievable, given the size and scale of the project, combined with other commitments. If your school or department cannot meet this deadline, please get in contact with us to discuss which timescales are most appropriate for your area.

Why do we need to move data files to Microsoft 365

The strategic file store project is driven by compliance factors.

Moving the data files will help us to better maintain the integrity and availability of our data – a core component of GDPR compliance – and make our data more secure and more accessible, whilst enhancing collaboration.

Who is responsible for moving the data?

Due to the nature of shared data, individual teams and Heads of sections are responsible for reviewing and migrating their own data files. We are currently working with professional services, schools and faculties to help identify data owners

Not sure what is in your S drive?

Please contact who will be able to provide you with an overview of what is stored in your team’s S: drive, to help begin the process of filtering and migrating.

Before moving any data, we recommend that individual teams conduct a thorough review of the data stored within their own S: drive and delete unused files where possible.

Information about reviewing data is available on the Reviewing your Shared Drive Data page, and information about appropriate storage options is available on the Choosing a storage option page.

How do I move data files?

You will be able to upload data into a Team or other area of 365, using the built-in ‘upload’ features. These will cope with most uploads.

However, if you have many thousands of files, or large data sets (gigabytes of data, not megabytes), it may be preferable to use a Migration Tool. We understand that everyone has different levels of comfort and skills around IT, so advice, guidance, and support is available via our enquiry form. Equally, if you are unsure of where to store data in 365 – perhaps questions about how many Teams, what Private Channels do, how might Shared Channels help, etc; please use the form to get in touch.

More information about how to migrate data onto Microsoft 365 can be found on the Data Storage Solution SharePoint site.

Enhancing the university’s digital infrastructure

There is a wealth of information available on the university’s Data Storage Solution SharePoint site, but if you have any queries or seek further support, please fill in the S:\ and R:\ drive migration enquiry form, or contact your local IT support team.

Thank you for your co-operation.

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