UoN authors win Best Achievement in People’s Book Prize 21/22

July 5th, 2022

Professor Paul Crawford, Professor Anna Greenwood and Dr Richard Bates from The University of Nottingham and Dr Jonathan Memel from Bishop Grosseteste University have won The Best Achievement award in The People’s Book Prize 2021/2022 for their book, Florence Nightingale at Home.

The Best Achievement award is given each year to the author(s) whose book advances the human condition, benefitting their community, or the world at large in some way.

Their book reveals how the concept and material reality of home profoundly influenced the life and work of the great Victorian pioneer.

Professor Crawford who led the research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council commented:

“Our team is delighted to gain this prestigious award. We wrote the book as the pandemic hit during the bicentenary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.

One of the things we highlighted in our study was how she spent many years confined to her home following an infection whilst caring for wounded soldiers in the Crimean War.

It is not a stretch to claim she endured a similar affliction as those with long-Covid!”

He goes on, “Despite the pain and fatigue she endured, Nightingale became the wonder woman of her time, working from home, indeed her bed, to great effect in areas such as public health, hospital design and nursing.”

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