Pay at Nottingham – maximum pay spine to be raised for Levels 4 to 6

June 8th, 2022

The University Executive Board has agreed to raise the current standard maximum pay spine for staff at Levels 4, 5 and 6 it was confirmed today, to help support staff who are experiencing significant cost-of-living pressures in the current economic climate. The measure will provide a 3% uplift for all colleagues who are currently on the standard maximum points of these pay scales when it is implemented in August 2022.

Raising the current standard maximum pay spine for staff at these levels will provide a 3% uplift for those who are currently on the maximum point of the scale, in addition to those who will receive an increment due to satisfactory performance. Where eligible, staff at these levels who are already paid above the standard maximum will receive a non-consolidated payment equivalent to one increment point (3%).

Eligibility and implications for the above on the Nottingham Reward Scheme can be found here.

Separately, UCU is currently consulting members on the 2022 national pay offer by UCEA which would see staff receive a 3% increase in pay in addition to any incremental pay progression and other local rewards or promotions.

The University is also reviewing terms and conditions for staff at Levels 1, 2 and 3 to inform local pay negotiations for these staff groups, and subject to discussions with the Unison and Unite unions, aims to apply the resulting outcomes into salaries from 1 August 2022. In addition, the University will remain committed to pay the Real Living Wage as the minimum salary for contracted staff.

The current Senior Pay and Banding Review is focused on professorial staff at level 7 to ensure that they are able to progress more fairly up the pay scale and better reflect their contribution to the research, teaching and leadership at the University.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Shearer West said:

“Increasing the maximum pay spine for staff at Levels 4 to 6 will help to support staff who are experiencing significant cost-of-living pressures in the current economic climate, as well as ensuring that the University can thrive in a highly competitive employment market. And our local review of terms and conditions for staff at Levels 1 to 3 will inform negotiations for their pay settlements in August.

“However, I am in no doubt about the additional economic pressures to come in the autumn and will want to ensure that staff at all levels are supported as far as we can.

“Our agreement with the University UCU Branch commits the University to supporting the highest possible national pay award, whilst recognising that UCEA must meet the needs of all its members.

“More broadly, the University is looking at the steps that we can take in our recruitment and retention approaches, alongside career development support, to create a model which enables us to respond to the some of the current challenges in recruitment and retention of staff.”

The measure to raise the current maximum pay spine for staff at Levels 4, 5 and 6 was included in the recent agreement where the University Executive Board and University of Nottingham UCU Branch have worked collaboratively to agree a package of measures based on a shared understanding of what can be resolved locally. You can read the full agreement here.


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