Changes to where Microsoft Teams Meeting recordings are stored

March 1st, 2022

In Easter 2022, changes will take place to how Teams Meeting Recordings are stored. From Tuesday 26th April, recordings will no longer be uploaded to or appear in Microsoft Stream. In addition, an expiry date will be added to new recordings.

Below is a summary of the key points about this change:

Where will recordings be stored and how can they be shared?

Video data will be kept directly within Microsoft 365, specifically in a Team’s Channel or the personal OneDrive of the individual who started the recording. As the recording will be within OneDrive or a Team, the file can then be shared externally. This change takes advantage of the sharing system within OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams.

How do I access meeting recordings?

When someone records a meeting, that video will continue to be made available within the Meeting Chat. What’s new, is that by default people who attend and people who were invited will gain access to it. It is also possible to share recorded meetings with external attendees as well.

Recordings will have an expiry date

After the change, all Team Meeting Recordings will have an expiry policy applied to them. The default expiry for staff and students is 90 days. For Associates it is 30 days. It is vital that users check and update expiry dates to keep meeting recordings available where needed. This will help maintain good practice around privacy and avoid storing data we may not need.

Alternatively, users can transfer important video content to other university systems e.g., Engage (Echo360) or MediaSpace.

For more detailed information and advice and if you need to take further action, please visit the dedicated SharePoint site here.


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