Making your headlines – new support to promote research, teaching and student success in global media

January 25th, 2022

The university’s Press Office has launched a new set of services to support colleagues across the institution in successfully promoting their research, teaching and student successes with national and global broadcasters and newspapers.

Whether you need help in attracting media interest, writing columns and commentary, training for broadcast interviews, or becoming an expert commentator, the Press Office team can assist you.

A new Press Office online hub has been published which details the services offered by the team and the types of opportunities they can help you use to publicise your research and encourage public or partner engagement with it.

A new broadcast studio is also available for colleagues to conduct TV and radio interviews with any outlet across the world. Based in the Yang Fujia building on Jubilee Campus, the studio is equipped with a Quicklink Studio-in-a-Box camera, which operates over the Skype network to provide HD TV images and broadcast quality audio. The University also provides studio-quality ISDN line facilities at its Sutton Bonington.

The online hub also features a meet the team section so that colleagues can easily contact the Media Relations Manager they need to assist them – whether that is help with publicising research projects, promoting news via social media, conducting broadcast interviews or monitoring and evaluating your coverage.

The University’s Head of News, Emma Thorne said: “Working with the media is becoming increasingly important for academics. Whether it be communicating the role of their research in finding solutions to global challenges; helping to influence public debate and influence policy; sparking interest from potential collaborators and funders; or enhancing their individual research reputation and REF impact.

“Our team of experienced communications professionals, comprised of former journalists and public relations executives with extensive knowledge of the industry, are here to support you at every step of the way and help put your story on the news agenda.”

For the past six years, the Press Office has supported Professor Matt Brookes and his team in the School of Physics and Astronomy in promoting research centred on the development of new technology for human brain imaging, helping to establish a national and international profile for the work.

Professor Brookes said: “The press office helped extensively, showcasing our work via both mainstream and social media. Excellent examples include the media response to a 2018 Nature paper which, following a press release by Media Relations Manager Jane Icke, was reported by over 50 outlets ranging from the BBC national and local news to the New York Post. According to, a website that tracks media impact of academic work, this paper ranked in the top one percent of all articles ever tracked in terms of the media response. These interactions helped significantly in getting our research noticed not only by the public, but also by policy makers, and has increased our visibility within the academic funding bodies.

“In addition, the experience has been time efficient, and fun! We look forward to continuing to work with the press office as our research moves forward.”

A new service level agreement will streamline the support the team can offer and provide clear guidelines for colleagues on the media’s expectations, helping us all to plan ahead to achieve the best coverage.

Whether you are a seasoned media expert or simply want to find out more about how to publicise your work in the media, please contact the Press Office team or call 0115 951 5798.

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