Choosing your pension investment to tackle climate change

November 8th, 2021

COP26 is underway. The gathering of global leaders and citizens in Glasgow is highlighting the fact that climate change requires determined and coordinated action on many fronts.

A massive £2.6trillion is invested in UK pension funds. What these funds are invested in can have a positive or negative impact in terms of tackling climate change.

If you have defined contribution benefits as part of the USS or CRSP pension schemes, or have Additional Voluntary Contributions as part of your pension, you have choices over which funds your money is invested in.

Some of these options have clearly marked environmental credentials. Through ethical investing, more people are choosing to put their money into businesses that make a positive impact on the environment.

The university’s pension scheme providers are committed to helping the companies they invest in to support efforts to limit carbon emissions to net zero by 2050.

What can I do?

If you are in the Investment Builder of USS or in the CRSP pension scheme, you can contact your pension provider and discuss the investment options available to you. This also extends to those who have Additional Voluntary Contributions as part of their pension.

This means you can decide whether your money is being invested in line with your view on tackling climate change – making a positive difference in the long-term.

Who to contact

You can take more control over where your pension is invested. Below are links to help you find the right contacts to explore sustainable and ethical pension investment options.

To find more information about options for responsible investment, please visit USS’ Responsible Investments webpages and CRSP’s Climate Impact Pledge.

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