Performance and ambition workshops – have your say

October 12th, 2021

In 2018/19, colleagues from across the institution contributed to the development of the University Strategy – attending workshops, commenting on papers and providing feedback to develop and shape our vision and goals.

We are now asking staff to comment on the next stage of the planning and implementation, helping us to shape and develop the university’s performance ambitions.

We have conducted interviews and developed data dashboards to explore the university’s current performance across a range of themes including education, people, research and sustainability.

We invite you to join us in a series of virtual actions-focused workshops during October and November, where we will share the findings with you and get your thoughts and feedback on what we can do next – from sharing good practice to identifying issues and addressing them with clear actions.

A series of clear actions that we should take will be developed as an output from the workshops.  These will be developed into an action plan which will be presented to UEB for approval later in the calendar year.  The ambition is for the outcomes of this work to influence university planning and strategy implementation.

Each two-hour event is sponsored by a senior manager and facilitated by an external team from ThenSomehow [Then Somehow] and SUMS Consulting [Higher Education Consultancy | Sums Consulting].

Workshops are open to all staff, across all of our Academic, Professional Service and Technical roles. All colleagues are encouraged to attend at least one session, which can be booked through EventBrite. There will be a cap on each workshop of 80 people.

Sessions will also be recorded so colleagues can catch up and contribute at a later time if unable to attend.

Please sign up at the links below:


  • People
    Thursday 21 October 2021, from 10am – 12noon
    Sign up here
  • Education
    Thursday 21 October 2021, from 1am – 3pm
    Sign up here
  • Research
    Monday 1 November 2021, from 10am – 12noon
    Sign up here
  • Sustainability
    Monday 1 November 2021, from 1pm – 3pm
    Sign up here
  • Culture & Behaviours
    Thursday 4 November 2021, from 10am – 12noon
    Sign up here
  • Leadership
    Monday 8 November 2021, from 10am – 12noon
    Sign up here

We appreciate some colleagues may not be able to attend their preferred sessions but may still wish to contribute to the discussion.

You can email any comments or reflections to the workshop facilitators: Amy Bray and Steve Stark. Please advise if you wish your comments to remain anonymous.

Links to session recordings will be communicated once all events are complete, with an opportunity to feedback.

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