Applications open for Leadership and Management Academy 21/22 core leadership programmes

July 1st, 2021

The past months have had a profound impact on every aspect of our lives and the university continues to navigate through uncertainty and complex change.

This means that leadership and management skills have never been more important, and many leaders and managers have faced personal and professional demands that they have never experienced before.

Our Leadership and Management Academy (LMA) programmes have been developed to help leaders, managers, and those interested in developing their leadership practice, build the confidence and capability to lead and manage teams through these difficult times and beyond.

They are open to all members of UoN staff, and we would particularly welcome applications from staff with protected characteristics. By joining one of our programmes, we will help you to be more comfortable not knowing all the answers, help you to understand the wider context in which you lead, and help you to build the personal and professional resources to be able to pass on energy, confidence, trust and a shared purpose to the people you lead.

Our core programmes can provide you with the space, time and support to focus on your own leadership practice and develop a great network of like-minded colleagues.

Following great feedback last year, we are continuing to run our programmes online via Microsoft Teams, with options for some face-to-face interaction as and when appropriate. As part of these programmes you’ll take part in workshops, coaching, 360 feedback and support to bring your learning back to your workplace.

The core programmes provide focussed development for leaders and managers, at all levels. The Executive Leadership, Senior Leadership, Operational Leadership, Stepping into Leadership and Aspiring Leadership programmes are available and open for application now. You have until Friday 17 September 2021 to make an application.

You can find out more and apply here: LMA Development Programmes

We are also continuing our webinars and bite-sized learning events designed to support leaders and managers through current times. These have been created in response to specific university, faculty, school and departmental needs. You can access the bite-sized learning offer here and join colleagues from across the university as we tackle topics such as having effective wellbeing conversations, returning to campus and much more.

The LMA also continues to offer coaching and mentoring opportunities for all staff, along with guidance on job shadowing for those who wish to develop their skills and/or career.

You can find a wide range of online resources on the LMA Hub that give you the opportunity to develop at a time and pace that suits you. These include specially selected articles, books, videos, diagnostics and interactive tools that can help you with your development.

However you choose to develop your leadership practice, the Leadership and Management team are here to support you.

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