Research strategy consultation: your wonderful response

May 28th, 2021

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner

Our consultation on the development of the university’s new research strategy is having a wonderful response.

More than 1,600 colleagues provided us with feedback on the green paper consultation, and around 500 of you attended virtual town halls, where we updated you on the consultation to date and discussed your further questions.

Together, we are creating a rich shared resource to draw upon as we plan for the challenges ahead.

Your thoughts and input will inform next steps, with a focus on the themes arising from the green paper consultation and the town halls.

Next in our research strategy consultation, we will look at the drivers and interventions needed to deliver our goals and ask smaller groups of colleagues what these should be.

Please bookmark and refer to the Developing our research strategy pages for updates and resources, including recordings from each of the town halls, a timeline and informative slides from town halls that tell the story of the consultation so far.

Read Dame Jessica’s full update

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