Equality Impact Assessments

May 20th, 2021

In order to make it easier for staff to complete and submit Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs), the university recently reviewed our approach, process and templates and relaunched them in July 2020.

To support this, the UoN Equality Impacts SharePoint site includes information and guidance for staff, along with updated templates available to download and a narrated presentation to explain the process.

What are EIAs?

Equality Impact Assessments are an essential part of the university’s approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), ensuring we embed consideration of protected characteristics throughout all our decision-making, programmes, projects, policies and practices. This is also a legal requirement of the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Duty.

A number of EIAs were undertaken as part of the Covid-19 recovery programme and others have been completed since then for new policies, practices, projects and programmes. We currently have approximately 80 EIAs that have been submitted to the Strategic Change Unit and would like to ensure we are capturing all EIAs undertaken across all Faculties and Professional Service Departments. This will support us in sharing our learning and assuring the EDI Committee that we are fulfilling our responsibilities in this area.

How to submit an EIA

Any EIAs being undertaken across the university should be submitted to scu@nottingham.ac.uk. Once you have completed your assessment and had this approved in line with the procedure, the EIA should be submitted to ensure we are able to build our library of EIAs and publish any that are undertaken at a University level.

Planning, Performance & Strategic Change will anonymise and publish all university-level EIAs on the SharePoint site to ensure transparency and share good practice.

The EDI Committee has oversight of the Equality Impact Assessment process and an audit will be undertaken on EIAs each year to report to them.

Training for staff is available through University Short Courses and specific sessions within Faculties and Professional Service departments can be provided where capacity allows.

3 further sessions have been agreed for the following academic year:

  • Tuesday 13 October, 9.30-12.30
  • Thursday 2 December, 9.30-12.30
  • Wednesday 26 January, 9.30-12.30

Please contact scu@nottingham.ac.uk if you have any queries relating to EIAs or the training available.


February 2nd, 2023 at 11:17 am

Alice Smith


I am in the process of writing an agile working policy for the University – at what point do I need to submit an EIA – before or after committee approval and before of after consultation?

February 2nd, 2023 at 1:50 pm

Cyrus M

Hi Alice, for any questions about EIAs at the university, please contact the Strategic Change Unit team. Thanks.

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