Vice-Chancellor: help shape our vision for research

March 24th, 2021

All staff invited to join consultation on new research strategy.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Shearer West is asking all staff across our campuses in the UK, China, and Malaysia to help shape our vision for the future of research at the University of Nottingham.  We are renewing our research strategy and your contribution to this university-wide consultation is invaluable.


Professor West said: “Research is integral to everything we do as a university. Our international reputation for exceptional research quality defines us as an institution. Our ability to solve problems builds a fairer and more resilient society and our research provides the bedrock for our teaching and learning.”

“We encourage our whole community – colleagues from all job families as well as researchers and staff who support research – to join this consultation.”

Discover how you can get involved

Research is central to our university’s mission and strategic goals. Renewing our research strategy will strengthen our commitment to delivering world-class research that changes lives, while further supporting recovery from the pandemic and the university’s mission of building a more resilient world.

It will allow us to reflect on our achievements, prepare for new opportunities and face the challenges ahead as we continue our work to transform lives around the world through the power of exceptional discoveries.

In the initial phase of the consultation, we are asking you to respond to a simple set of questions.

Professor Dame Jessica Corner, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, and the research strategy team will be reflecting on your insights and, over the coming months, further engagement activities will feed into the consultation.

The deadline for responses to this initial phase of our research strategy consultation is Friday 23 April.

We will report back to you, and in December 2021 will launch the University of Nottingham Research Strategy, which will run from 2022 to 2027.

Dame Jessica adds: “We are launching this consultation at a significant moment for research at the University of Nottingham. We are also making our REF2021 submission to Research England.  The Research Excellence Framework is a monumental exercise, evidencing the quality and impact of our research. It is the key indicator of our research power and rewards excellence with higher levels of research funding from the UK Government.

“The consultation also comes at a time when we are showing extraordinary resilience. Our dedicated researchers and world-class research facilities have made truly significant contributions to UK and international efforts to defeat the virus, and research activity across all disciplines has recovered.”

“Your goodwill and a shared sense of purpose will help shape the next chapter for research at Nottingham. Please join us in this conversation, share your ideas and thoughts, and encourage others to do so.”

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