Women’s Staff Network Menopause Cafés

March 15th, 2021

Staff are invited to join the next Menopause Café discussion via Microsoft Teams.

Menopause Cafes provide a time and space to discuss the menopause rather than delivering information about the menopause.

A Menopause Café offers a discussion with no pre-set agenda and without expectation or experts. The topics are chosen by the participants on the day.

Upcoming sessions include:

Tuesday 16 March: 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Wednesday 21 April: 12pm – 1pm

Tuesday 18 May: 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Thursday 17 June: 1pm – 2pm

Join the Teams Meetings here.

The Menopause Café is offered with no intention of leading participants to any conclusion, product or course of action and is an open, respectful and confidential space where people can express their views safely.

They are run on a not-for-profit basis and the events are open to everyone and are scheduled each month.

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