Digital Experience Insights Survey

March 8th, 2021

The Digital Experience Insights Surveys have now launched and will be live throughout March for staff, students, and postgraduate and early career researchers – and there’s a chance to win a £50 shopping voucher.

The role that digital technologies play in our daily lives has changed substantially over the last year, and we would like to know how you engage with these and with the university’s digital environment so that we can make improvements in ways that are meaningful to you.

The surveys take 10-15 minutes to complete and there are four separate surveys for:

  • Professional Services staff
  • Teaching staff
  • Postgraduate and early career researchers
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate taught students

Research and teaching staff should complete the survey for teaching staff, unless no teaching has been conducted this academic year, in which case the researcher survey should be completed.

Staff are invited to complete the survey, and to encourage students to do the same. The individual surveys can all be accessed through the landing page below.

We first ran the Digital Experience Insights surveys on the eve of the pandemic in 2020, so it’s critical that we understand the extent to which our digital landscape has changed over the last year in order to improve the experience beyond Covid. Please take a few minutes of your time to complete the survey – it’s open until Sunday 28 March and your feedback really helps us to improve life at the University of Nottingham.

Professor Mark Bradley, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Curriculum Leadership said: “The way our students and staff use digital technologies for teaching and learning has transformed across the last 12 months. We now need to take stock of what we’ve done well, what we could do better, and where we go from here. This survey will be a key mechanism to help us work out the way forward.”

If you have any questions about the surveys, please email

About the survey

This national survey is being carried out by the University of Nottingham in conjunction with digital solutions specialists, JISC. We’re running the survey to find out more about how the university community uses digital technologies and how we can improve the digital experience at the university.

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