The Breakfast Club 2020-21 – Wednesday 4th November

October 21st, 2020

The University of Nottingham’s annual Teaching and Learning Conference in 2020 saw record levels of submissions. Unfortunately due to the coronavirus it had to be cancelled.

The Breakfast Club was organised as a place where all of the excellent pedagogy developed by staff at the University could be showcased.

This first season of the Breakfast Club saw more than 1,000 attendees across the 17 sessions, with papers from every faculty, including colleagues from our China and Malaysian campuses. Following positive feedback, the Breakfast Club is returning for the 2020-21 academic year.

This year, the sessions will be organised throughout the year. You can sign up via Central Short Courses here.

The focus for this season will be effective pedagogy so if you have some excellent examples of effective innovative, creative or online pedagogical approaches you’d like to showcase, please do get in touch with Tina Byrom.

If you want to catch up on the excellent sessions from the first Breakfast Club, you can do so by self-enrolling on moodle here.

Session 1: Wednesday 4 November, 9am – 10AM GMT  

May Tan-Mullins (UNNC) – Experiences of face to face teaching during post-Covid-19 at UNNC: the things we did and wished we had done

Kate Simpson (UoN) – Safe face-face teaching in Covid-19 times: balancing risks and benefits

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