Updated Quality Manual launched

July 6th, 2020

Following a period of consultation across all campuses in 2018, a new format of the Quality Manual has been developed by the Education Excellence team supported by colleagues in Learning Technology and the Web team.

The Quality Manual sets out the regulations, policies and procedures around teaching and learning at the University of Nottingham and applies equally across the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. It is the University’s one source of truth for all matters regulatory and is used by students, academic staff and Professional Services. It is regulated and updated by the Quality and Standards Committee, with each section being ‘owned’ by a team or department in the University.

Launched on Wednesday 1 July, the new version incorporates a number of features that will make it easier to use:

  • Search function to easily find what you are looking for
  • Interactive indicators, for example PDF icons
  • Show/hide boxes for easy navigation
  • Policy A-Z
  • Application across campuses with localised variations clearly noted by national flags representing the UK, China and Malaysia

Although some sections remain the same, there have been some changes. The section names appear as follows:

  • Academic Regulations
  • Admissions
  • Personal tutoring, student support and development
  • Assessments, awards and degree classification
  • Programme and module design and approval
  • Concerns, complaints and appeals
  • Registration, attendance and study
  • Research degree programmes
  • Student engagement and representation
  • Studies away from the University
  • Governance
  • Policy A-Z

The Quality Manual can be viewed in full on the website.

Any queries regarding the new Quality Manual should be sent to quality-manual-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk.


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