The Breakfast Club – Teaching and Learning Seminar Series: join in and catch up

July 9th, 2020

This year’s Teaching and Learning Conference had to be cancelled. However, a stimulating programme of online presentations has been put together using papers that were submitted for the conference.

This programme, titled The Breakfast Club: teaching and learning seminar series is taking place via Teams and you can book a place via the link below. After entering your email address, you will be sent an Outlook invite for the series.

Book your place at the Breakfast Club.

The Breakfast Club runs every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am-10AM (BST) until Thursday 6 August.

The format will include a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the session’s content.

This is a great opportunity to see the exciting work that colleagues across the University are engaged with, and everyone is encouraged to join in.

If you’ve missed a session so far, don’t worry – you can catch up here.


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July 1st, 2020 at 11:48 am

Kiyoko Naish

May I register for the breakfast club?
Do I need to book each session?
Kiyoko Naish

July 1st, 2020 at 12:37 pm

Cyrus M

Hi Kiyoko. You can register for the Breakfast Club at this link
After registering your interest, you will be sent a Microsoft Outlook invite for the series. You are then free to pick and choose the sessions you want to attend, so you won’t have to book each session.
Thanks, hope that helps.

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