Webinars for managers and team leaders

September 9th, 2020

The Leadership and Management Academy are running a series of webinars to offer managers and team leaders practical guidance and support while working away from the office.

Upcoming webinars include:

Wednesday 16 September: 2pm-2.50pm and Thursday 8 October: 10am-10.50am
Webinar: Returning to campus: practical considerations when bringing your team members back to campus (HR)
There are many practical considerations that need to be made before allowing colleagues to return to campus, with specific processes to be followed to ensure safety for our staff, students and wider University community. In this webinar members of the HR team will walk you through some of the things you need to be aware of, some of the scenarios you might be facing, and how to respond to these. This webinar compliments the Return to Operations – Manager’s Guide (HR) and is part of a ‘Returning to campus’ webinar series.
Book here

Monday 21 September: 3pm-3.50pm and Tuesday 6 October: 10am-10.50am
Webinar: Remote working: massage techniques to help with shoulder and neck pain
Are you struggling with aches and pains in your neck or shoulders? Join Joanne Jensen from Jensen Massage Therapy in this self-massage tutorial. Joanne will demonstrate massage techniques that are not only beneficial for pre-standing conditions like tension headaches and migraines, but that can also help you feel more relaxed! Ensure you have washed your hands, are wearing a vest or t-shirt and have some body lotion to hand before the session begins.
Book here

Thursday 1 October: 11am-11.50am
Webinar: Staying connected: Strategy and structures for social connectivity in the longer term
This session will consider the implications for staff in the coming months and consider what social connections will look like in the longer term. Discussions will include what will need to change in strategy and structure to ensure staff can make the most of the tools and techniques emerging from the pandemic. There will be an opportunity to assess what can be taken forward and what new approaches need to be put in place. Lawrie Phipps from JISC will be facilitating this event and sharing ideas from across the sector.
Book here

Wednesday 14 October: 10am-10.50am, Wednesday 4 November: 3pm-3.50pm and Tuesday 24 November: 10am-10.50am
Webinar: Staying healthy whilst working from home – practical advice and tips for you and your teams for staying healthy
Working from home is likely to be a different experience for many than working on campus. Less moving between buildings or between floors in buildings, and less trips to the photocopier! Whatever our situation, there’s potential for us to become more sedentary in the way that we are working. Finding ways to stretch, exercise and take regular screen breaks is important, as well as keeping healthy snacks to hand. This webinar lead by Tom Sherratt and Bharat Samra from the UoN Sports Team is packed of practical hints, tips and activities for keeping you and your team healthy whilst working from home.
Book here

Thursday 15 October: 10am-10.50am
Webinar: How to recruit remotely
International HR Specialist, Samantha Thorne will provide guidance and advice on how to recruit while working remotely. There will be information on the latest process and where to find tools and resources to support leaders and managers impacted by this new approach.
Book here

Monday 21 October: 11am-11.50am, Monday 16 November: 3pm-3.50pm and Thursday 17 December: 10am-10.50am
Webinar: Returning to campus: supporting the psychological health and well-being of your team
This webinar, led by colleagues from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, will focus on supporting the mental and physical health and well-being of your team as they return to working on campus. We’ll be considering the areas of rehabilitation and ergonomics as we adjust to phasing back over time. Thinking about stress issues over outputs/workloads/’presence’, future illness and how we respond individually and collectively.
Book here

Tuesday 22 October: 10am-10.50am
Webinar: Returning to campus: practical considerations when bringing your team members back to campus (H&S)
Keeping staff, students and our University community safe when back on campus is our highest priority. This webinar, led by Sarah Watson from the Health and Safety Team will provide you with an overview of what’s been happening on campus, including the preparation of buildings, signage, cleaning regimes etc. We’ll also be exploring the preparation you need to take prior to returning to campus, and the personal commitments you need to make.
Book here

Monday 9 November: 2pm-2.50pm
Webinar: Returning to campus: team engagement and cohesion
With some team members returning to campus – possibly not in their normal location, and others working from home, understanding how to support and manage a dispersed team is essential. This webinar, led by Carol Steed, will consider how to keep people connected and still feeling together as a team. There will be a focus on workload management, wellbeing, communication, morale, ways of working and managing changes to job roles/responsibilities sensitively. We’ll also think about individuals who have been furloughed and might feel ‘out of the loop’.
Book here

You can also register your interest for upcoming events. Find out more here [Moodle log in required].

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