Exhibition blazes a trail across campuses

March 3rd, 2020

An exhibition of remarkable women has made its way across Nottingham and is about to make its home on University Park.

The Trailblazing Women exhibition was created as part of last year’s International Women’s Day celebrations and features pioneering women, both past and present, with a connection to Nottingham.

It includes information on Monica Partridge, the University’s first female Professor, Florence Boot, the founder of the first female hall of residence at University Park and world renowned artist Dame Laura Knight among others.

Since featuring at an event with Nottingham Trent University the exhibition has travelled to 14 different locations across the University drawing interest from staff, students and visitors.

It will now take up residency at the Teaching and Learning Building at University Park along with the portraits from the Press for Progress portrait exhibition launched at 2018 celebrations for International Women’s Day.

Professor Sarah Sharples, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, said: “I’m really pleased that so many people have had the opportunity to learn about these incredible women and I hope that will only continue in its permanent home.

“Such an impressive touring schedule, from Derby Medical School to Jubilee Conference Centre and almost everywhere in between, is thanks to so many people welcoming the opportunity to host it at their place of work and to Julie Thomas and Sian Masson who have managed the logistics so brilliantly.”

You can see the lineup for the exhibition below:

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